Wednesday 24 October 2012


A portable application is a single .exe (executable) file that holds an entire application including files, .dlls and registry. Virtual apps can copied and moved around like regular files and launched from anywhere without installation. With cameyo's application virtualisation, you can take your apps and data with you, anywhere.

Here is the steps to create a Portable app of a free software using Cameyo:

  1. Open the downloaded Cameyo file and clik on Capture installation button
  2. wait some moments to taking initial system snapshot
  3. after that you can see Install done button ( dont press now ), Run the Nimbuz set up file ( or the installation file of which software you want to create as portable) and install the nimbuz
  4. After successfull installation of Nimbuz ( or any other software) press the Instaall done button
  5. Wait again some moments you can see a pop up window and the portable software there

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not click "Install done" now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Select the app you want to make portable and run/install it
Click the "Install done" now

Now you got the portable apllication of your wish


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